
Monday, February 28, 2011

Tourist Attractions in Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Tourist Attractions in Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Yogyakarta is also called by another name Jogja or Yogya, and Jogjakarta, is one of the main tourist destinations in Indonesia, where you can visit the most important Buddhist Borobudur temple in the world, visit the most active Volcano, the following is information on tourism objects Jogjakarta need to read before you come to New York:

Overview Jogja / Yogyakarta
Yogyakarta is also known as Jogja is located in the region flanked by Mount Merapi north and the Indian Ocean in the south sebalah. With an area of ​​3185 square kilometers, including special areas of Yogyakarta is the most densely populated areas in the world, and this has been going on for a very long time. Divided into three distinct zones, the eastern and western dry limestone mountain ranges and amid fertile soil for agriculture. A visit to Jogja is best during the summer months from May to October with temperatures ranging from 18 C to 35 C, with the average lies between 26 C and 28C. Average humidity was 74% between 65% and 85%. Jogja lies approximately 7 degrees south of the equator and tropical, hot and humid conditions. Richness and diversity has become one of the aspects that appeal Yogyakarta city. The airport is 8 miles north east of downtown.

History of the city of Yogyakarta
Located 18 miles (29km) inland from the south coast of Java and in the region near Mount Merapi (9551 feet / 2911 m), in the 7th century is part of the Buddhist Sailendra kingdom contemporaries of Sriwijaya Palembang (Sumatra). It may be included in the later Kediri and Singosari kingdom ruled East Java and at the end of the 13th century Majapahit Hindu

In the early 16th century, central Java had two Muslim kingdom, Demak and Pajang, ruled by a powerful Mataram Ingalaga Senapati (reigned 1584-1601). Dutch to enter the region in 1602. After the conflicts, Mataram subdued the rebellion against the Dutch intervention in politics Java, Sultan Hamungkubuwono I moved his court from Kota Gede to Jogjakarta. In Mataram in 1755 and renamed the town Jogja. 1811, and the Sultan Hamengkubuwana II deposed and exiled. After the Japanese occupation during World War II, the Republic Indonesia was formed. National capital was moved to Yogyakarta when the Dutch occupied Jakarta in 1946, he moved back to Jakarta in 1950 after independence, an Jogja was given the status of a district in the Republic of Indonesia.

Sultan's Palace or Kraton, building ayang elegant Javanese architecture, located in the city center. It was founded by Prince Mangkubumi I. He chose a place to erect the building, between the river and the river Winongo Code. Kraton stretches from north to south. The front page is called Sultan's Palace square Allun North and backyard called Allun-South Allun. The design of this historical building shows that the Palace, the monument (at the Tugu, the column) and the mount Merapi are in one line.
Every part of the building has its own name. The meeting called Palace performances. This is the place where the meeting was being held formal court officials. Manguntur Tangkil Hall is a place where the Sultan has set-nya.Ruang in Hinggil Siti, Siti means ground or land while Hinggil means high, so it called Siti Hinggil since the place was built higher than other land in the vicinity. It was once a small island in the swamp. The front gate is called Danupratopo. Two giants called Gupalo guard it. One called Cingkorobolo and the other is Boloupoto. Two statues that are considered to protect the castle from danger. The Sultan called Purworetno, Purworetno side there are buildings called Panti Sumbago. Banguanan this is where is the library Sultan. Gedong building called the Yellow Emperor lived
The palace was founded by the first Sultan, Sultan Hamengkubuwono who became the father of kings in Jogjakarta. Government of the Sultanate has its own system of its own in accordance with traditional customs are still maintained until now. Being in the center of Jogja city, this palace is the main tourist attraction in Jogja. The palace is now dwelling lane X who is also the Governor of Yogyakarta Special Region. and as the king of Yogyakarta, is regarded as a symbol of chastity, divinity, value, culture, history of philosophy, and humanity. There is a museum featuring souvenirs from guests, especially Sultan called Souvenir Museum, as well as batik museum collections and museum Wayang (puppet). Traditional art activities such as shadow puppets shows, classical dances and gamelan performances are still performed at the Palace and is open to the public.

Bird Market:
Known as Ngasem. It is located at the north side of Taman Sari. This market provides hundreds of species of tropical birds. In Javanese culture, bird symbolize a man's world. This is why, the transaction is often quiet birds in Ngasem. Birds, which is available at Ngasem, mostly chirping bird, such as turtledove, walnuts, etc. However, there are also other species of racing speed flyers such as dove. Thismarket also provides dogs, rabbits, snakes, and several other pets.

Tamansari Water Castle is situated on the road about 500 meters south of Yogyakarta Palace. The Castle is a park, which was once a place of recreation for the Sultan a royal family. There are many facilities built in this complex including a bathing pol, man-made islands, an artificial lake, and floating mosque. Currently, the park and the palace is no more than a collection of reruntuhan.Tamansari built by Sultan HB I and has served as a royal recreational park until Sultan HB III period. The rest of the complex that can be seen is the Stage Gate (main gate at Eastside), Bannerman Kawitan, (pool), Pamuncar, the Great Gate (West Gate), Wells Gumuling, Plengkung Segara Park, Island and Island Panembung Kenanga.


Batik is the art of painting which technically done by using wax as an art considered typical Yogya. Center is the oldest batik Imogiri Wukirsari in the center of batik from the Sultanate of Yogyakarta (Kraton) there (around 1800) batik motif batik-Klassik still produced here, to date, the batik craftsmen not only producing exclusive batik ordered by Kraton Family, but also producing batik with traditional motive and classic color to the general public. Batik Painting can be found at the Taman Sari, who was the Sultan's family resting place - the Castle. You can find that is made in batik cloth, table runners, napkins, decorative painting, etc.. Characteristic Batik Tamansari, have bright colors and various patterns completely different from classical batik using only the flora and fauna motifs. Tamansari have some motif Jogja scenery, to include carriage (traditional cart), Pedi cab, mask, houses, etc

Silver has been growing since the Islamic Mataram Kotagede there (in the 1600s). At that time, Panembahan Senopati carrying silver and gold craftsmen from Bali to Kotagede to make a royal decorations and ceremonial equipments. The silver has a business prosperous era during the 1930s to the 1940s when some companies got orders from Europe and export their products to these countries in the Netherlands and other European.

This is a magnificent Buddhist monument constructed between 750 and 850 AD when Central Java still a Buddhist kingdom. Long abandoned, the first re-discovery and appreciation of Borobudur began in 1815 under the Raffles, which is Let.Gov. Java during the brief period of government Inggris.Pekerjaan actual total reconstruction of thousands of stone and relief took place under the government of Indonesia, which with the help of UNESCO, the 10-year restoration completed 1984. At present, it determines Borobudur is a UNESCO World Heritage Site with & levels and 1460 carved stone reliefs depicting the Buddha and representing the steps from the earthly realm to Nirwana.Terletak just 42 km from Jogja the Borobudur is the best seen in the morning or at dusk.
Other temples are:

Ramayana Ballet
It is a dance drama has been done long ago, by people around Prambanan Temple every full moon,. Ramayana is performed without dialogue, but dance and gamelan accompaniment only. This story is taken from the Prambanan reliefs. And now, this ballet routine performed on the big stage built by government in Prambanan compound and other places.

The magnificent Shiva temple name is taken from the name of Prambanan village where it is located. Locally known as the Loro Jonggrang, is the largest Hindu temple in Indonesia, and most beautiful. Seventeen kilometers east of Yogyakarta, is believed to have been built by King Balitung Maha Sambu in the middle of the ninth century, there is a relief depicting the famous Ramayana-story. The first open-air theater built in the south of the temple in 1960 and moved to the west side of the temple in 1988. During the full moon night in the month of May to October, the Ramayana ballet performed here. Prambanan temple complex is located between green fields and villages. On the main page of the temple there are eight temples, and 3 dipersembanhkan temple to Shiva, Vishnu and Brahma. and one for Shiva temple where there is a magnificent statue of Shiva's consort, Durga.

Other temples are:
Sewu Plaosan
Sojiwan and Ratu Boko Temple

Mount Merapi:
lied 30 km, northern side of Jogja, when the weather is clear, a spectacular view of the surrounding panorama covering Plawangan and Ground forests and rolling green countryside that fades into distant misty horizons of the blue Indian Ocean can be seen easily. It is better to do mount climbing during the dry season (April-September). There are two routes up the mountain to the peak of Merapi. How easy is the northern route, through Selo, Boyolali in Central Java. Is the most difficult of Kinahrejo, (9 km from the summit of the mountain, but you will need about 8 hours to climb to the top for a hard road)

Merapi Golf:
largest and most beautiful golf park of 60 hectares with 18 holes, a golf course established in international slopes of Merapi, with exotic destinations to Mount Merapi at an altitude of 800 m. the atmosphere is very fresh. Restaurant and a fitness center are also available here.

Dieng Plateau
Dieng plateau lies at 2093 m above sea level, and about 20kmS.W Wonosobo. It has a cold climate, climate afternoon will fresh and very cold at night. The average temperature is 15 C, usually it will turn into 0 C or even lower in July and August. Besides having a beautiful landscape with a temple built by Caylendra Dynasty in the mid-8th century. Once can take Tobacco in Sindoro Mountain Road, Wonosobo or tea at the Tea Plantation Walk Tembi, etc. While Wonosobo is a city with a fresh climate in highland which surrounded by four mountains such as M. Cleft (3.371m), M. Sindoro (3.162 m), M Bisma (2.365 m) and M. Ragajembangan (2.177m). The nature of beauty can be seen far into areas that have a high frequency of rain, especially to the north side which can reach up to 1,500 mm per year. Cleft Sindoro beauty and can be enjoyed in the morning from Kledung Pass and Restaurant.Tembakau Walk in Tobacco season or Tea Road at Tambi tea plantation can be preserved here at any time.

Sukuh The temple is one of the many Hindu relic in Java Tengah.Terletak on the western slopes of Mount Lawu, 91 `0 meters above sea level and 7km from Karangpandan. Sukuh built in the XV century before Islam through the whole island of Java. It is also commonly referred to as "the world's most erotic temples Sukuh own unique structure which also shows Indonesia original elements .. More prominent element than most Indian temples. This is the structure of the Shiva shrine religion in Indonesia is a symbolize by phallus which visualizing in real as the male sex organs Sukuh architecture alone set apart .. It's a pyramid, step cut, and looks very much like a Yucatan Mayan temple Guatemala in Central America. The temple is a spiritual monuments with complete ease really enchanting and rare

Gedong Songo
The temples were built between the years 730 and 780, except for the first one encountered along the road leading to another, which may be 30 years muda.Surai for the complex is not the original, nor the number of literals of the structure; number9 numerogical significance in Javanese culture. The temples are more or less evenly spaced between 100-200 meters apart on individual mountain highlands or projecting horizontally from the mountain.

Site Ratu Boko
At Ratu Boko complex heritage site, we can find a legacy numerous archaeological sites. Each structure is set in a good harmony and surrounded by fence. There are many gates connecting the fence equipped with stairs, terrace and trail. In addition to the sacred buildings, there are also other buildings such as a pool and grotto. Kraton name given by the local communities in the surrounding area indicates that Ratu Boko site was the living room and the seat of government as well as at the time.
Ratu Boko site was built by Rakai Panangkaran in 792 AD and is called Abhayagiri Vihara. Rakai Panangkaran built Abhayagiri Vihara after resigning from his throne. He ruled from 764 784 AD and continued with his true successor, Rakai Panarabwan. Fifty three year lather (856 AD), the name Ratu Boko had changed into Kraton Walaing proclaimed by Rakai Walaing pu Kumbhayoni recognized as a vassal king. He ruled 856-863 AD and called himself as the descend of Rakai I Hulu. Some argue that the process of remodeling can be an attraction for tourists, as it is a rare opportunity for tourists to see the process of remodeling the living.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

The History Of Borobudur Temple

Candi Borobudur

Borobudur Temple history. A collection of articles about Borobudur temple will be presenting it in full. Who is not familiar with the Borobudur temple, proud heritage of Indonesia which has also been designated as a UNESCO world heritage site. Borobudur is the name of a Buddhist temple located in Borobudur, Magelang, Central Java, Indonesia. Location of the temple is approximately 100 km to the southwest of Hyderabad and 40 km northwest of Yogyakarta. Shaped stupa temple was founded by the Mahayana Buddhists around the year 800's AD during the reign of Sailendra dynasty. This monument comprises six square terraces above the GCC there are three circular courtyard, the walls are decorated with 2672 relief panels and 504 Buddha statues originally contained

The main stupa in the middle of the biggest teletak once crowned this building, surrounded by three rows of circular holes 72 stupas in which there are statues of buddha sitting cross-legged in the lotus position perfectly with the mudra (hand gesture) Dharmachakra mudra (turning the wheel of dharma).

This monument is a model of the universe and built as a shrine to venerate the Buddha as well as serves as a place of pilgrimage to lead mankind to switch from natural lust to enlightenment and wisdom according to the teachings of Buddha.

The pilgrims enter through the east side begin the ritual at the temple grounds with walking encircling this sacred building in a clockwise direction, while continuing to go up to the next steps through the three levels of the realm in Buddhist cosmology. The third level is K? Madh? Tu (the realm of lust), Rupadhatu (tangible realm), and Arupadhatu (intangible realm). In this journey of pilgrims walking through a series of hallways and stairs to see no less than 1460 beautiful relief panels are engraved on the walls and balustrades.

According to historical evidence, Borobudur was abandoned in the 14th century as the weakening influence of Hindu and Buddhist kingdoms in Java and started the influence of Islam. The world began to realize the existence of this building since it was discovered in 1814 by Sir Thomas Stamford Raffles, who was then serving as Governor-General of British control over Java. Since then it has undergone a series of Borobudur rescue and restoration efforts. Largest restoration project was held in the period 1975 to 1982 the efforts of the Government of the Republic of Indonesia and UNESCO, and historic sites in the list of World Heritage Sites.

Borobudur is still used as a place of religious pilgrimage; each year Buddhists who come from all over Indonesia and abroad gather at Borobudur to commemorate Vesak Trisuci. In the world of tourism, tourism Borobudur is Indonesia's single most visited tourist.


On the wall of the temple at every level - except on the terraces Arupadhatu - carved panels of bas-reliefs that will always remind the history of Borobudur temple which is made very carefully and delicate. [54] Relief and decorative patterns Borobudur naturalist style with ideal proportions and refined aesthetic taste. These reliefs are very beautiful, even considered as the most elegant and graceful Buddha in the arts world.

Relief Borobudur also Indian art discipline, such as the attitudes of the body has a specific meaning or aesthetic value. Reliefs noble human form as hermits, kings and noble women, fairy creatures attain degrees atapun holiness like gods, like tara and Bodhisattva, often depicted with the body position tribhanga. The position of the body is called a "three curve" that is curved or bent slightly at the neck, hips, and ankles with just your body weight resting on one leg while the other leg is curved rest. This graceful posture implies elegance, such as a standing figure with angel Surasundari tribhanga posture holding a long-stemmed lotus.

Borobudur reliefs showing many images, such as human figures both nobles, commoners, or hermits, various plants and animals, as well as displays of traditional vernacular building forms the archipelago. Borobudur is like like books that record various aspects of ancient Javanese life. Many archaeologists researching past life in ancient Java and the archipelago century 8th and 9th with examining and referring relief carvings of Borobudur. Forms stilts, barns, castles and temples, the form of jewelery, clothing and weapons, various plants and wildlife, as well as a means of transportation, it was noted by the researchers. One of them is a relief depicting the famous Borobudur Ship. Typical timber ship bercadik archipelago shows ancient maritime culture. Ark replica made by reliefs of Borobudur stored in the Museum of Mercury Ocean located north of Borobudur.

Buddha statue

Apart form buddha in Buddhist cosmology carved in the wall, there are many statues of Borobudur buddha sitting cross-legged in the lotus position and showing mudras or symbolic hand gesture given. Buddha statue with a height of 1.5 meters is carved from andesite material.

Buddha statue in niches Rupadhatu level, set by the line on the outside of the balustrade. Dwindling on the side of it. Balustrade of the first row consists of 104 niches, the second 104 niches, niches third row 88, row 72 niches fourth and fifth rows 64 niches. Total there are 432 statues of Buddha at the Rupadhatu.

At the Arupadhatu (three circular courtyard), statues of Buddha placed in stupas berterawang (perforated). At first there were 32 yard circular stupa, stupa court both 24, and a third court are 16 stupas, all total 72 stupas.

Of the original number as many as 504 Buddha statues, over 300 have been damaged (mostly headless) and 43 missing (since the monument's discovery, heads of Buddha is often stolen as collector's item, mostly by foreign museums).

On the face of all these buddha statues look similar, but there are subtle differences among them, namely the mudra or hand gesture position. There are five classes of mudra: North, East, South, West, and Central, all based on five main directions of the compass according to Mahayana teachings. Fourth balustrade has four mudras: North, East, South, and West, where each buddha statue facing the direction it exhibits typical mudra. Buddha statues at the fifth balustrades and statues of Buddha in the 72 stupas on the upper court berterawang showing mudras: Middle or Central. Each mudra symbolizes the five Dhyani Buddhas, each with its own symbolic meaning.


Borobudur greatly affected the eruption of Mount Merapi in October adan November 2010. Volcanic dust from Merapi covered within the temple complex 28 kilometers (17 miles) west-southwest of the crater of Merapi. Layers of volcanic ash reaches a thickness of 2.5 centimeters covering the building of the temple at the eruption of 3 to 5 November 2010, the dust is also deadly plants around, and experts worry that the volcanic ash is acidic chemicals can damage the rock of this historic building. The temple complex was closed from 5 to 9 November 2010 to clean the dust luruhan.

Observing rehabilitation Borobudur after Merapi eruption in 2010, UNESCO has donated U.S. $ 3 million dollars to fund rehabilitation efforts. Cleanse the temple of volcanic dust deposition will spend at least 6 months, followed by reforestation and tree planting in the neighborhood to stabilize the temperature, and finally revive the social and economic life of the local community.

More than 55,000 blocks of stone temples be demolished to improve water management and drainage systems are clogged dough mixed with volcanic ash rain. Restoration ended November 2011, earlier than previously thought.

Borobudur is a magnificent historic building. This proves that our ancestors have known the science of high technology that does not lose with technological developments today. Evidenced by the still-powerful Borobudur temple until now. As the nation who love this country, is not excessive if the child - school children need to learn the history of Borobudur temple.